Hospice News April 2019

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Greetings to you all!
As I complete my fourth month as the Executive Director, I must thank all board members, office staff, and volunteers for helping me transition into my new role. Much has already taken place, and if you have not yet done so, come and see the change in our office. Anyone is welcome to drop in anytime for coffee or tea.
We consulted some members and volunteers and we decided to combine the membership and visitor’s newsletter. Welcome to its new name; HOSPICE NEWS. It will be published every two months and you will still see important information such as upcoming dates, training opportunities, hospice statistics, and more. If you have an article you would like to share or have a story to tell that you believe would be valuable for others to know, we want to hear from you. This is your Hospice News; you are welcome to participate in it. We hope you will enjoy the change.
As we move forward, I will focus on increasing awareness in our communities about our free services and programs, encouraging community engagement, volunteer recruitment and recognition, promoting our endowment and legacy funds, and raising the financial capacity of the hospice.
Our focus remains supporting clients and their families and we will be offering new programs to meet the ever changing needs of our communities. If you or someone you know needs support do not hesitate to connect with us. There is always a lending ear available. We will always do our best to assist,
I very much look forward to eventually meeting everyone. If you are near the office, drop in to say hello!
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